Fifteen-year-old Greta Thunberg describes herself as a “climate radical” and is protesting outside Sweden’s parliament every day and refusing to go to school until Sweden’s general election on 9 September, to draw attention to the climate crisis.

The teenager, who began to get engaged in environmental issues from the age of 11, is calling on politicians to take climate issues seriously.

The flyers she has with her for passersby to read use state: “We kids often don’t do what you tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you grown-ups don’t give a shit about my future, I won’t either”.

Since school term began, the young activist has been sat outside the parliament during school hours. She takes her books with her so she doesn’t fall behind on her studies.

Sweden is aiming to become carbon neutral by 2045. And while Sweden may have a reputation worldwide for being environmentally conscious, according to Greta Thunberg it’s “too little too late”. She said: “It needs to come much faster. Sweden is not a green paradise, it has one of the biggest carbon footprints.”

Following an extreme heatwave and widespread wildfires this summer, climate issues have pushed up the agenda for many voters. Some surveys show that climate policy is now the second most important issue for voters ahead of the 9 September election, with only immigration considered more pressing.

Greta Thunberg hopes her protest will help ensure that climate issues stay on top of the agenda, as she urges politicians “to treat it as the crisis it is”. By Rosa Medea



Greta Thunberg at the United Nations conference on climate change December 2018, Katowice Poland



Here is the full text of her speech at COP24 in Poland:








Greta Thunberg, a 15-year-old Swedish environmental activist, all but shamed the 190 countries represented at the United Nations COP24 conference in Poland last week.

The young activist accused negotiators — gathered in Katowice to establish rules for the implementation of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change — of abandoning future generations. "You say you love your children above all else and yet you are stealing their future in front of their very eyes," Thunberg said during an address to attendees on Wednesday.

The so-called "Paris Rulebook" agreed to on Saturday falls short of achieving its goals. Scientists and negotiators say that countries would have to do far more than what the rules stipulate to curb fossil fuel use and deforestation and avoid severe weather associated with global warming.

Thunberg, who became a symbol for youth climate activism after skipping school to protest climate change outside of Sweden's Parliament in September, has inspired thousands of children to rally for climate justice. By Lawrence Davidson







Greta Thunberg is a Swedish climate activist. She is known for striking outside the Swedish parliament building to raise climate change activism, speaking at TEDxStockholm, and addressing the COP24 UN climate conference.

Thunberg was born on 3 January 2003. Her mother is Malena Ernman, a Swedish opera singer. Thunberg's father is Svante Thunberg, who is an actor named after Svante Arrhenius. Arrhenius is an ancestor of her father, and won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for calculating the effects of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Her grandfather is Olof Thunberg, an actor and a director. Thunberg has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome.






Thunberg was one of the winners of Svenska Dagbladet's debate article writing competition on the climate for young people in May 2018. In the World Nature Fund's prize the young environmental hero of the year 2018, Thunberg is one of the three nominees. Thunberg was nominated for the electricity company Telge Energi's prize for children and young people who promote sustainable development, Children's Climate Prize, but declined because the finalists would have to fly to Stockholm. In November 2018, she was awarded the Fryshuset scholarship of the Young Role Model of the Year. In December 2018, Time magazine named Thunberg one of the world's 25 most influential teenagers.






Hundratals australiska skolelever lämnar den här veckan klassrummen för att demonstrera för en bättre miljöpolitik.

De manifesterande ungdomarna har inspirerats av svenska Greta Thunberg.

nför valet skippade Malena Ernmans dotter Greta Thunberg, 15, skolan och strejkade framför riksdagshuset för att uppmärksamma hur viktigt hon tycker det är med klimatfrågor.

Nyheten om den svenska 15-åringen har skapat ringar på vattnet. Filmstjärnan och ex-guvernören Arnold Schwarzenegger har bjudit in henne till ett klimatmöte. Nu har skolelever i Canberra i Australien också valt att gå i Thunbergs fotspår. I en debattartikel i australiska The Guardian uppmanar hon unga som vill se förändring att aktivt göra något åt det.
Vill få politiker att tänka efter

200 barn och 100 föräldrar samlades under onsdagsmorgonen utanför parlamentet i i huvudstaden Canberra med slagord för miljön skrivna på sina plakat.

– Jag strejkar för att få politiker att tänka över de beslut som de tar och hur de påverkar mig. Jag kan inte rösta men jag har ändå rätt till en framtid och en värld som går att leva i, säger Ayo Sullivan, 8, till Sydney Morning Herald.





De är en del av en landsomfattande protest organiserade av den studentbaserade aktivistgruppen School Strike 4-action. Kring 15 000 elever på 30 platser runt om i Australien, bland annat Melbourne, Brisbane och Perth, gick under fredagen ut i protest.

Premiärministern: ”Mindre aktivism i skolorna”

Precis som när Greta Thunberg strejkade vållar agerandet debatt.

Premiärministern Scott Morrison fördömer demonstrationerna och tycker att eleverna borde hålla sig i skolorna:

– Vad vi vill ha är mer undervisning och mindre aktivism i skolorna. Vi stöttar inte att skolor förvandlas till parlament, säger Morrison.

– Jag och mina vänner fyller 18 snart, vi kommer att kunna rösta i nästa val och det är löjligt om han inte vill lyssna på oss, säger strejkande Canberra-studenten Clara McArthur, 17, om premiärministerns uttalande, till Sydney Morning Herald.
Eleverna kommer inte straffas

Andra backar ungdomarna. En talesperson för utbildningsdepartementet säger att eleverna inte kommer att stoppas eller straffas om de väljer att delta i demonstrationerna.

Adam Bandt, partiledare för de gröna, har träffat flera av studenterna och säger att han står bakom dem.

– Premiärministern står verkligen inte i kontakt med ungdomar, varken i Australien eller resten av världen. De här studenterna vill ha en ledare som försvarar deras framtid men de har fått ett domderande, ogeneröst och nedlåtande tillrättavisande från någon som är värre än Tony Abbott (Australiens tidigare premiärminister, reds. anm), säger Bandt.

COP 25 CHILE 2019



Poverty UN sustainability goals 1Zero hunger and food security UN SDG2Health and well being UN SDG3Education UN sustainable development goal 4Gender equaltiy for men and women UN SDG 5Sanitation and clean water for all SDG 6

Clean affordable energy for all UN sustainability goal 7Jobs and sustainable economic growth SDG 8Innovation in industry and sustainable infrastructure SDG 9Reduced inequalities for all sustainable development goal 10Cities and communities that are sustainable goal 11Consumption and production that is sustainable SDG 12

Action against climate change sustainable development goal 13Ocean and marine conservation UN sustainable development goals 14Biodiversity conserving life on land SDG 15Justice and institutional integrity for peace SDG 16Partnerships between governments and corporations SDG 17United Nations sustainable  development goals for 2030








Schollchildren strike outside parliament buildings Canberra Australian climate change protests


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